The Green Party is moving forward in Dagens Nyheter /Ipsos latest voter barometer. The voter support is now the highest since the measurement in January 2016.
The party receives approximately 7 percent.
Nicklas Källebring, opinion analyst at Ipsos, explains the Green Party's positive trend, among other things, with the change of spokesperson in the spring and that the party's communication has focused more on climate and less on social issues.
The Social Democrats are losing for the fifth measurement in a row and end up at 31 percent, rounded down.
The Moderate Party receives 19 percent, The Liberals 3 percent, and the Christian Democrats 4 percent. The Sweden Democrats end up at 21 percent.
In the measurement, the Left Party receives 9 percent and the Centre Party 5 percent.
The survey was conducted during the period of 3–15 September.
Ipsos interviewed 1,595 eligible voters who were asked which party they would vote for if there were a parliamentary election today.