The club is bleeding economically and recently reported a deficit of around minus 40 million last year.
At tonight's annual meeting, Martin Gyllix was elected as the new chairman. According to information from Norrköpings Tidningar, one of his and the partially new board's first decisions will be to clear out the ranks.
And high up.
The newspaper reports that club director Michael Sturehed and financial manager Cajsa Dahlberg will be let go.
Gyllix did not want to comment at all after the annual meeting. He will only answer questions after a member meeting on March 19.
Last week, Michael Sturehed told the newspaper that five to six positions will disappear due to the economic situation. He claims that he has not received any information about his future in the club.
You're asking a question right after the annual meeting. I haven't even had time to talk to my chairman, he says to Norrköpings Tidningar.