Last week, the Swedish National Agency for Education decided to cancel the national tests that were to be written in the nationwide digital platform. The reason was security problems in the system, in the form of students' personal data risking to reach unauthorized teachers.
The Swedish National Agency for Education notes in a press release that the data has not leaked to outsiders, but only to logged-in teachers. No protected personal data was at risk of being revealed.
The Swedish National Agency for Education also announces that schools are spared the work and cost of copying the replacement tests themselves. Instead, the Swedish National Agency for Education provides schools with printed tests.
These tests, which students will now do with pen and paper, will be written on the already decided test dates, from March 26 and onwards. The very first tests, on March 18 and 20, the Swedish National Agency for Education cannot print and send in time. Instead, the Swedish National Agency for Education relaxes the rules and allows schools to copy these tests a few days before the test day.