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Russia news

Read the latest local news from Russia.
No, the EU does not want to force everyone to eat insects

No, the EU does not want to force everyone to eat insects

Russian refineries hit in Ukrainian attack

Russian refineries hit in Ukrainian attack

Angry protests when Armenia is in a tight spot

Angry protests when Armenia is in a tight spot

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Man arrested after explosion in France

Modi gets to continue ruling India

Modi gets to continue ruling India

Ukraine's superiority in the war: drones

Ukraine's superiority in the war: drones

Russia exploits Tom Cruise in OS disinformation

Russia exploits Tom Cruise in OS disinformation

Network warns: EU is cutting back on culture

Network warns: EU is cutting back on culture

Review: Sex Trade in Pension Company's Rental Building

Review: Sex Trade in Pension Company's Rental Building

The stock market falls in line with the rest of the world

The stock market falls in line with the rest of the world

Busch opens up to cooperation with the far-right in the EU

Busch opens up to cooperation with the far-right in the EU

Coffin mystery at the Eiffel Tower – Russian connection being investigated

Coffin mystery at the Eiffel Tower – Russian connection being investigated