Living in Sweden
The Jewish Central Council: Still No to the Left Party
The Jewish Central Council is sticking to its exclusion of the Left Party from its memorial ceremonies. At their meeting, a long discussion was held about where the boundary between anti-Semitism and criticism of the Israeli government should be drawn.
S-message: Cooperation with V - if they clean up
The Social Democrats can cooperate with the Left Party – but it requires the party to "clean out" signs of anti-Semitism. As soon as there are any anti-Semitic tendencies, one should clean them out, says S-top Morgan Johansson.
As the climate policy: Like a farce
The Climate Policy of the Government Parties receives harsh criticism from parts of the opposition. The Social Democrats call it "a farce".
V: Netanyahu's genocide must be stopped
The opposition directs harsh criticism towards the government in a parliamentary debate about the Middle East. The right-wing extremist Netanyahu's genocide must be stopped, says the Left Party's foreign policy spokesperson Håkan Svenneling.
Police strengthen security during parliamentary debate
Security has been increased in the parliament ahead of today's debate on the situation in the Middle East, among other things through a higher presence of police. .
Internal V-criticism: "Trust has been damaged"
The Left Party member Kristofer Lundberg has been expelled from the party. But locally, the V-leader is supported from several directions – at the same time as the party board receives harsh criticism.
The Left Party is investigating another member
The Left Party is investigating another member, writes Svenska Dagbladet. It concerns one of the initiators of a petition for Kristofer Lundberg, former chairman of the local party organization in Angered.
Former Left Party Members Start New Party
Two former Left Party members are starting a new party: Solidarity. They write this in a debate article in [Expressen](https://www.
Local Left Party Top Excluded
The Left Party excludes Kristofer Lundberg, chairman of the party's local association in Angered, says Assistant Party Secretary Maria Forsberg to TT. The Left Party leadership has acted in panic when they saw how internal party opinion began to shift, says Lundberg.
Dadgostar on anti-Semitism: "Believe in dialogue"
The Left Party has been banned by the Jewish Central Council. Now, party leader Nooshi Dadgostar hopes that a scheduled meeting will resolve the conflict.
Palestinian Associations in Support of Left Party Politician
Over 30 Palestinian associations have signed a petition in support of Kristofer Lundberg, who risks being expelled from The Left Party for showing support for the terrorist-listed Palestinian PFLP, reports [Dagens Nyheter](https://www. dn.
After the exclusion: The Jewish Central Council meets V
The Jewish Central Council has accepted a meeting with the Left Party, after having decided to ban the party from its memorial ceremonies last autumn. We believe in dialogue, says Chairman Aron Verständig.
The Left Party: Israel allowed the terrorist attack to happen
Israel "sacrificed" its own youths in the terrorist attack on October 7 to erase Gaza. This is the message in a post that the Left Party Orust published on its Facebook page.
V doors open – Dadgostar invites to dialogue
The Jewish Central Council excludes the Left Party from its memorial ceremonies, reports Dagens Nyheter. "We will immediately send an invitation to a conversation", writes party leader Nooshi Dadgostar in a comment.
The Government: We are pushing for low fishing quotas
Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (Christian Democrats) says that the government is pursuing a restrictive line for fishing in the Baltic Sea when the EU's fisheries ministers meet on Monday. But the opposition is strongly critical and believes that the stock of herring can collapse.
Magdalena Andersson dismisses internal criticism: "A minority"
A victory day for The Social Democrats, thinks party leader Magdalena Andersson about Thursday's broad agreement on a balance target in the state's finances. The internal criticism within the party only constitutes a small minority, according to her.
Agreement on abolished budget target – provides 25 billion
Six of eight parties in the Riksdag agree to abolish the so-called surplus target and instead introduce a balance target for the state's finances in 2027. This would provide approximately 25 billion more for budget investments for future governments.
Broad support for abolishing the surplus target
Six of eight parties in the Riksdag, with 90 per cent of the votes, agree to abolish the so-called surplus target and instead introduce a balance target for the state's finances. We have landed very well, says Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party).
The Climate Minister is Reported to the Constitutional Committee: "Downplaying Emissions"
Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) is reported to the Riksdag's Constitutional Committee by the opposition parties S, V, and MP. They are obscuring how emissions can develop going forward, says Elin Söderberg, climate policy spokesperson for the Green Party.
Stockholm Terminates Agreement on Bromma Airport
The Municipal Council in Stockholm has decided to terminate the city's agreement with the state-owned Swedavia regarding Bromma Airport, writes the red-green administration in a [press release](https://via. tt.
No Support for Abolishing the Right to Grazing
The government is divided on the issue of abolishing the milk quota's right to grazing. The Liberals and the Sweden Democrats say no to doing as the government's investigator wants and abolishing the grazing requirement.
Dadgostar on the government: Are in a different galaxy
After an autumn marked by political scandals, the party leaders clashed in a debate on SVT's Agenda. And they disagreed immediately about taxes and benefits.
V-Politician on Possible Expulsion: "Drove"
The Left Party is initiating an expulsion case against the chairman of the party's local association in Angered, Kristofer Lundberg. The main reason is his support for the Palestinian PFLP, classified as a terrorist organization.
The Left Party: Send a UN Force to Gaza
The Left Party demands that a peacekeeping or peace-enforcing UN mission be deployed in Gaza. "The form such a mission should take depends on the prevailing situation," the party writes in a motion.
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