Sis CEO Responds to Criticism: Report Key to Improving Child Care
The Ombudsman for Children's report on deficiencies in the care of detained children is welcomed by Elisabet Åbjörnsson Hollmark, Director-General of Sis, the National Board of Institutional Care. It is important that all of us take this on board, she says.
Violence and Threats at Sis Homes Have Decreased
The number of incidents with violence and threats is decreasing at Sis-homes, show new figures from the authority. .
Fewer escape from Sis-homes – "strengthened security"
The number of youths who escape from Sis-homes has more than halved in two years – from 420 to 171 last year. Sis claims that in principle, they have stopped criminal boys from escaping or being released to commit new violent crimes.
More young people are sentenced - Sis demands more money
The number of young people sentenced to closed youth care has increased dramatically. Now the National Board of Institutions is demanding more money from the government.
The Minister wants to see locked schools after the mass murder
Minister of Education Lotta Edholm (L) wants to see locked schools after the act in Örebro. That far did not go the investigation that lies on the government's table.
Escape from Youth Care Home
Several inmates are said to have escaped from a Sis facility outside Sollefteå, according to information to [Aftonbladet](https://www. aftonbladet.
Prisons being prepared for criminal children
Up to 250 children and young people can soon move into some of Sweden's high-security institutions. The Prison and Probation Service is preparing to receive young people who have murdered or committed other serious crimes and hold them in custody without violating their rights as children.
Sis to create 100 new places by March
The National Board of Institutions (Sis) will increase its capacity with an additional 100 places, the authority announces in a press release. The approximately 600 places currently in use within youth care will become over 700 by the end of March 2025.
Proposal: Ankle Tag and Body Search at Sis
Football, entrance controls and extended opportunities for body and room searches are proposed for the supervision of children and young people at Sis-homes. These are new tools that have really been needed in Sis' toolbox for a long time, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party).
Young people in SiS homes to be locked in at night
Young people at Sis-homes are to be locked in at night if it is necessary for order and safety. But among others, the Children's Ombudsman is critical.
13-year-old crime suspect denied Sis placement
Sis said no when the social services wanted a place for a 13-year-old girl suspected of involvement in the murder of a girl in Landskrona. It required pressure from the police to shake out a place.
Sis remodels youth homes to get more places
The number of young people sentenced to closed youth care has tripled in a year and a half. This has put pressure on the National Board of Institutions (Sis) to find room for everyone.
Sis Employee Critically Injured After Fall
A man in his 20s is critically injured after falling from a roof at a Sis home in Hässleholm. > An employee climbed up onto a roof to retrieve a ball and accidentally fell off.
SiS homes strengthened with 700 million
The Government wants to strengthen the closed youth care at SiS-homes with 700 million kronor in 2025. The money is intended to ensure that more young people get a place immediately, that security is strengthened and the living environment is improved.
After the criticism – a calmer summer at Sis
The number of escapes and incidents with threats and violence at the country's Sis-homes has decreased during the summer. .
Sis wants to fire employee after violence against child
The National Board of Institutions (Sis) wants to dismiss the employee who broke a forcibly detained girl's arm at the Sis home in Långanäs, according to local media. In June, the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) decided to close two departments at the home in Eksjö municipality.
The Minister promises: Pressure on Sis-homes eases
Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party) promises "a significant improvement" in a couple of months regarding the shortage of places at so-called Sis-homes. Currently, 31 young people are waiting in line for closed care.
Sis tackles the placement shortage: Takes in the most dangerous children
Six are looking at establishing modular homes to solve the accommodation shortage. The situation is serious, according to youth care director Birgitta Dahlberg.
The Government on the Sis Alarm: "Sees a Certain Lightening"
The Government called an emergency meeting today due to the acute shortage of places at Sis. We see a certain lightening of this problem, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party) after the meeting.
The Alarm: Full Capacity at Sis - Children May Commit Murder This Summer
The Government has today called an emergency meeting about the acute shortage of places at Sis. There is a great risk that several of the 58 people who are currently in the queue will commit serious violent crimes, according to SKR: "Meanwhile, murders are being committed, of children.
Sis activities banned following allegations of violence
Two departments at Sis youth home Långanäs in Eksjö council are being closed down since it emerged that staff had subjected the children to severe violence. .
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