Northvolt buys time – tax debt paid
Crisis-stricken Northvolt has bought itself some breathing room by paying what the company owed to the Tax Agency. However, a long-term solution to the battery manufacturer's financing is still not in place.
Northvolt CEO: Will pay 287 million kronor according to plan
On Monday, Northvolt must pay a tax debt of 287 million kronor. The alternatives are bankruptcy, reconstruction – or personal payment liability for the board.
Northvolt Reported for Unauthorized Construction
Crisis-stricken Northvolt is reported for unauthorized building, reports [P4 Västerbotten](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/northvolt-anmals-for-svartbygge-700-moduler-utan-bygglov).
The Enforcement Authority Inspects Bankruptcy Administrators
The Enforcement Authority is conducting a special examination of law firms and lawyers who are frequently appointed as trustees in bankruptcy, reports Dagens Industri. .
Top Executive at Northvolt Leaves Post
The CEO of Northvolt One, the crisis-stricken battery manufacturer's main factory in Skellefteå, is leaving their assignment. .
Latest on Monday, Northvolt must pay 287 million kronor
At the latest on Monday, the crisis-stricken battery manufacturer Northvolt must pay 287 million kronor to the Tax Agency, confirms the authority to [SVT News Västerbotten. ](https://www.
Billion-dollar blow as Northvolt company goes bankrupt
Northvolt Ett Expansion, a subsidiary of the crisis-stricken battery manufacturer Northvolt, has gone bankrupt with debts of 2-3 billion kronor. The bankruptcy trustee hopes to find a buyer for the assets – which essentially consist of a large construction project in Skellefteå.
The Debt Pile Grows – Northvolt Debts of 90 Million
The pile of cases at the Enforcement Authority is growing rapidly. There are now payment orders against the crisis-stricken battery giant Northvolt for 90 million kronor, writes [Dagens Nyheter](https://www.
Oscar Engelbert's company goes bankrupt
Oscar Engelbert, founder of the crisis-ridden real estate company Oscar Properties, is petitioning for his private company Parkgate to be declared bankrupt, reports Expressen. According to the newspaper, Engelbert submitted a bankruptcy application to the district court on Friday.
Odd Molly Files for Bankruptcy
The clothing company Odd Molly Sweden has gone bankrupt, reports the website [ehandel. se](https://www.
Northvolt cases for 60 million kronor with the Enforcement Authority
More people are turning to the Enforcement Authority to get paid from crisis-stricken Northvolt, reports [Dagens Nyheter](https://www. dn.
Elderly Women in Debt: "Don't Shop Wildly"
More and more elderly women are applying for debt relief with the Enforcement Authority. Per-Olof Lindh at the agency is worried about the development.
Condominium Boards to be Relieved of Heavy Registry
The Land Survey Office is allocated 10 million kronor in the autumn budget to establish a condominium register, reports [Di. se](https://www.
The Government Wants to Stop Criminals' Money Flow
The Government is investing approximately another billion kronor to stop organized crime – primarily by targeting the criminals' driving force: the money, writes the Government representative on DN Debatt. .
More families with children evicted: "Extremely serious"
The economy is brightening. But the number of families with children who are evicted is increasing – and next year the extra supplement in housing allowance for families with children will be reduced.
New proposal: This is how welfare fraud should be stopped
Criminal gangs and welfare fraud should be stopped by tearing down secrecy barriers. This is proposed in the new partial report submitted to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party).
The Government Wants a Lower Maximum Interest Rate on Loans
The Swedes' debts are at historically high levels. Now the government is proposing several tightening measures to stop bad credit lending and "predatory lending" to vulnerable individuals.
Debts are growing - "we have warned about this"
More and more Swedes are having trouble paying their bills, shows new statistics from the Enforcement Authority. In just two years, the debt amount has increased by 70 percent.
Debt collection claims on record high
More and more Swedes are having trouble paying their bills on time. The number of new debt collection claims is increasing and is now at record levels.
Oscar Properties makes a comeback – avoids bankruptcy
Oscar Properties Holding has, after an agreement with creditors, avoided bankruptcy. "Now we have got a little breathing room", writes the crisis-stricken property company's CEO Richard Bagge in a comment.
More Student Debts End Up with the Enforcement Authority
The number of student debts that end up with the Enforcement Authority has increased from 130,000 to 175,000 individuals since the turn of the year, an increase of 35 percent, reports [P3 News](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/fler-studieskulder-hamnar-hos-kronofogden).
The District Court Rejects Reconstruction for Luxury Property Developer
The crisis-stricken real estate company Oscar Properties' application for reconstruction was rejected by the Stockholm District Court on Wednesday, reports Dagens industri. "They have achieved their goal", says CEO Richard Bagge about a housing association that has requested the company's bankruptcy.
Got stuck in the summer trap? This is what you do in the fall
More and more Swedes are consuming beyond their means right now. The crash risks coming in the autumn – but it is possible to get the family's economy back on track again.
The Tax Agency Requests Oscar Properties Be Declared Bankrupt
The Tax Agency has submitted an application to the district court to request that Oscar Properties Holding be declared bankrupt, reports [Expressen](https://prod. expressen.
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