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Uncertainty has increased

The situation within the economy is still uncertain, not least due to geopolitical factors. There are still risks ahead, notes Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party) at a press conference.

» Published: August 07 2024

Uncertainty has increased
Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

We are in a situation with great uncertainties, geopolitically naturally. I think the uncertainties have increased over the past few weeks, she says and adds:

We know that if we get problems with deliveries and energy prices, we can again experience a tougher situation ahead.

The recent global stock market unrest does not think will affect the Swedish economy.

We do not see now that it affects the real economy in Sweden, but we are following the development clearly.

At the bottom, it is important to emphasize that the value of the krona has been stable over time and that the stock market has developed strongly over a long period, adds the Minister of Finance.

Strong Public Finances

She emphasizes that a rapid deterioration of the labor market in the USA is not only a risk for the USA but also for Sweden after last week's weak American job figures, which made the world's stock markets start to shake properly.

One should not draw too quick conclusions from the American unemployment figure yet, since a large part of the layoffs have been temporary. But when there are risks in the American economy, it also means risks for the global economy and the Swedish.

But if there is a hard landing in the American economy, how prepared is Sweden for that?

We have strong public finances, if it were to become a deeper recession, there is the possibility of using the strong economy to, for example, support those who are unemployed to get back into the labor market again.

Shifting Focus

The Minister of Finance presents three focus areas when the government is now shifting focus from inflation fighting to building the Swedish economy and increasing growth.

One is investments in infrastructure, research, and education. The second is measures for increased growth and productivity, and the third is called "restoring the work line".

Do you have any examples of what kind of investments in infrastructure it is about?

We will return to that in the fall, but it is obvious that there are great needs with a maintenance debt that is enormous, but also needs for new investments, she says.



By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald
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