On Wednesday, a 49-year-old record was broken when the temperature rose to 31.1 degrees in Helsingborg. Now on Thursday, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) announces that it was equally warm in Lund yesterday.
Our climate experts called around this morning and saw that Lund also reached 31.1 degrees. This means that Helsingborg and Lund share first place, says Linnea Rehn Wittskog, meteorologist at SMHI.
It's a bit different around how you report from different stations. Some may only write what it is at a certain clock time. Therefore, you may need to check minute values afterwards.
The previous official Swedish heat record for September was measured in 1975 at 29.1 degrees in Stehag in Skåne.
Now on Thursday, there are conditions for another heat record – this time outside Skåne.
The warm air remains. Unlike yesterday, it's also sunnier than yesterday in northwestern Götaland and parts of Svealand, says Rehn Wittskog.