In an Instagram post when the image was nominated for the photo competition, Härdelin wrote: "I believe in the good within us, in embracing desire, creativity, and looking beyond the darkness. That's why I'm glad about the nomination".
"Love conquers all", agrees the jury, praising the timeless and universal message.
Linus Sundahl-Djerf from Svenska Dagbladet is named Photographer of the Year, with the motivation "Photographer of the Year reports from major world events as well as from everyday life at home in Sweden, always with the same weight, commitment, and seriousness in their task."
The Rookie of the Year is freelancer Sara Damne, educated at the Nordic School of Photography, and the Sports Photo of the Year – of Armand Duplantis' world record jump during the Olympic Games – was taken by Jessica Gow at TT News Agency.
Of all the prizes, this was the one I most wanted to win! I'm so happy and pleased, says Gow.
The Picture of the Year was established by the Press Photographers' Club in 1942 and is awarded annually by an independent jury.