The bill for sick leave increased in 2024 by 14.2 billion to 91.9 billion kronor. This is one of the largest increases in a single year since Skandia began its measurements in 2017.
Skandia's sustainability manager Gabriel Lundström sees two reasons for the increase – real wage increases have led to an increase in the value of lost work, but sickness rates have also risen across the country.
Increase over time
The single largest reason for sick leave, 46 percent, is mental illness. Although the figure has remained at roughly the same level in recent years, an increase can be seen over time.
Actually, one started to see the trend already in the 90s after the economic crisis and major cutbacks in, among other things, the public sector.
In contrast to many physical illnesses, mental illness can be prevented, explains Gabriel Lundström, and employers have an important role to play.
When it comes to certain types of mental illness, one can get quite far with preventive measures, such as corporate health care. One can offer flexible working hours and continuously work on work environment issues.
It may be worth investing that money to avoid the potential costs that arise – both in terms of human suffering and purely financial costs.
More women
One thing that Gabriel Lundström notes stands out in the report is that women are still more affected by mental illness than men. In 2024, women accounted for 54.2 billion kronor of the cost of longer sick leave, compared to men's 37.7 billion.
It's partly about us having a rather unequal labor market and that women to a greater extent work in the occupational groups that are most affected. But it's also about the unpaid double burden. Women still take a very large responsibility for home and children.
Percentage of sick leave due to mental illness
Dalarna County 51.4 percent
Värmland County 51.3 percent
Västra Götaland County 49.8 percent
Västmanland County 48.8 percent
Jämtland County 48.1 percent
Västerbotten County 46.7 percent
The whole country 46.4 percent
Uppsala County 46.2 percent
Blekinge County 46.0 percent
Jönköping County 45.8 percent
Stockholm County 45.5 percent
Östergötland County 45.0 percent
Kalmar County 45.0 percent
Halland County 44.9 percent
Örebro County 44.6 percent
Södermanland County 44.5 percent
Kronoberg County 44.2 percent
Gävleborg County 43.1 percent
Skåne County 43.0 percent
Gotland County 40.6 percent
Norrbotten County 40.4 percent
Source: Skandia