Recently, Denmark's Radio published the documentary "Greenland's White Gold" after allegations that Denmark has earned large sums of money by extracting the mineral cryolite on Greenland - but without disclosing where the figures come from. The documentary also led to the responsible editor-in-chief being fired.
Now, a satirical program that made a parody of "Greenland's White Gold" is also being reported to the police for racism, according to Swedish Radio's Culture News.
The program, which was shown on Denmark's Radio, joked, among other things, about the "Giant Eskimo" ice cream. According to Denmark's Radio, the segment was a satire of the documentary itself, not about Greenland or the Greenlanders.
The Greenlandic Member of Parliament Aaja Chemnitz has called Denmark's Minister of Culture to a consultation meeting about the developments surrounding "Greenland's White Gold".