After nearly two years with the retraining study support, which is intended to enable retraining to a new profession in mid-life, the government wants to simplify the processing of applications.
Ever since the start, there has been great interest in the support, but the process of getting it has been too complex. The situation has created long processing times at the Central Student Aid Board (CSN).
The government has therefore decided on a legislative council referral with proposals for amendments that create a more purposeful retraining study support.
"The regulatory simplifications now proposed enable further shortening of processing times and mean that more people can get decisions on time", says Education Minister Mats Persson (L) according to a press release.
One proposal is that an employment in a shortage profession should not have a negative impact on the opportunities to be granted support. Today, the demand on the labor market where the person already works is weighed in an application for support.