The American 1960s series "The Mod Squad", or "The Gang" as it was called when it aired on Swedish TV for a shorter period, was an early attempt to make a "cool crime series" for the 68-generation and was broadcast between 1968 and 1973.
The three main characters in the series came from different backgrounds and could, thanks to their "hip" style, work "undercover" in criminal circles where the regular police did not have access.
"The Mod Squad" was Michael Cole's biggest role in his career. He was later, for a period, also part of the TV series "Murder and No Flaws".
Michael Cole is the last of the three main cast members from "The Mod Squad" to pass away, after Clarence Williams III and Peggy Lipton. Lipton was married to Quincy Jones for many years and passed away in 2019.