Over half of the employees at HVB homes have been exposed to violence or threats. This is shown by a new survey from the trade union Vision.
Among other things, one of the respondents states that she was threatened while heavily pregnant. Another respondent states that threats of violence are common, although actual violence against staff is described as less common. The National Board of Health and Welfare has identified solo work as a potential security risk, resulting in special regulations.
Yet, 66 percent of respondents state that solo work occurs.
"The result is alarming and should be taken very seriously by company management and municipal politicians," writes Vision's union president Veronica Magnusson in a comment.
526 people working at HVB homes in 154 municipalities have responded to the survey, which was conducted in the spring of 2024. The sample of members at municipal HVB homes included a large proportion who were not actually employed at HVB homes.
Therefore, the basic sample of members within municipal HVB operations has been adjusted downward by 50 percent.