The wolf policy is an infected history in Sweden, and has been for a long time. The government, with Minister for Rural Affairs Peter Kullgren (KD) at the helm, wants to lower the reference value for wolves to 170 animals in connection with Sweden's next report to the EU on the conservation status of predators according to the species and habitat directive. That is, to lower the minimum number of wolves that should exist in Sweden.
The reporting takes place every sixth year and the reference value of 170 animals is a significant reduction compared to the current value of 300.
"Lacks scientific basis"
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has been tasked with presenting proposals on how Sweden can maintain a favorable conservation status for wolves with the new lower reference value already for next year's licensed wolf hunting. The basis will be submitted to the Government Offices shortly.
The reporting to the EU on a new reference value must be based on facts and knowledge that show that it is possible to have such a low value. And such scientific basis does not exist in this case, says Världsnaturfonden WWF's predator expert Benny Gäfvert to TT.
The researchers who are referred to have themselves questioned how their analyzes are used. A population as heavily pressured as the wolf population needs to be more than 170 to be able to achieve a long-term sustainable status.
Hunters, farmers, and landowners are among those who welcome the new reference value. Benny Gäfvert believes that it would be possible to solve various wolf problems in other ways than just with protective hunting.
Hunting is a management tool and we do not see it as an obstacle, but strong efforts are lacking regarding preventive measures. For example, fencing, livestock guard dogs or new ways to monitor their domestic animals. New and better compensation systems are another way, where animal owners receive full compensation for damages that may occur, he says.
Concerned, not surprised
Benny Gäfvert believes that the new reference value for wolves is a clear political stance and that it is a step towards reducing predator populations as a whole.
It becomes one-sided when you only work with reducing the population. We are not surprised, but we are concerned, he says.