Living in Sweden
Paulina Brandberg
Lowering the age of criminal responsibility divides the parties
Lower the age of criminal responsibility to 14 years for serious crimes, proposes the government's investigator Gunnel Lindberg. Social development makes it impossible to sit idly by and do nothing, she says.
Contact ban to cover entire municipality
More and more extensive restraining orders should be issued to protect women from violent ex-partners. Among other things, restraining orders should be able to cover an entire municipality.
Digital threats against LGBTQI individuals to be mapped
The Total Defence Research Institute is to map hostility towards LGBTQI individuals in digital environments. It is one of the points in the government's new action plan for LGBTQI individuals' equal rights and opportunities.
Victory for Sweden on minimum wages
The EU's directive on minimum wages should be withdrawn in its entirety, according to an Advocate General at the EU Court of Justice. This gives Sweden and Denmark wind in their sails in their protests.
The Intolerance of the Swedish People Should be Mapped
The Government wants to investigate Swedes' attitudes towards intolerance, both in the entire population and in schools. We need to get it in black and white how big the problem is with racism, anti-Semitism and hate and threats in schools connected specifically to ethnicity, says Minister for Gender Equality Paulina Brandberg (The Liberals).
Crime victims to receive better support: "Gaps in support"
The Government has decided on two measures to strengthen support for witnesses and victims of crime. There are significant differences in victim support depending on where in the country you are, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party) at a press conference.
The Minister on Porn Ban: Not the Only Way
For many young people, their sex education comes from violent porn, according to Minister for Gender Equality Paulina Brandberg (L). But legislating against porn is difficult.
Brandberg on the banana incidents: Ridicule
Minister for Equality and Labour Market Paulina Brandberg (L) banana phobia became a big news story this week. It's sad that it has been a discussion that to a large extent has been ridiculing and degrading, she says to Aftonbladet.
Kristersson on the Minister's Banana Phobia: All Respect
Minister for Gender Equality and Labour Paulina Brandberg (L) suffers from a phobia – of bananas. The news has received great attention, also internationally.
Rules for Divorces to be Reviewed
The requirement for reflection time in divorces should be reviewed, according to the government. Today, a violent spouse can delay a divorce by saying no.
Free menstrual protection in schools
The Liberals want to make menstrual protection free for girls who do not have access to it today. We know that there are girls who are severely affected, you can miss lessons in school, says The Liberals' party leader Johan Pehrson.
The Liberals demand labeling of retouched images in advertising
Advertisements containing images of retouched bodies should be labeled so that consumers clearly see when models in advertisements have been beautified. This is proposed by The Liberals, who will be driving the issue to protect young people from unattainable beauty ideals.
Minister for Gender Equality Paulina Brandberg on Henrik Brandão Jönsson
It was right to throw out journalist Henrik Brandão Jönsson from the radio studio when he encouraged prostitution. This is the opinion of Minister for Gender Equality Paulina Brandberg (The Liberals), who praises the program leader's clear stance.
Chief Prosecutor Takes Over Criticized Authority
Chief Prosecutor Lise Tamm becomes the new Director-General of the Equality Ombudsman. .
Authority receives millions in additional funding – was supposed to be scrapped
The Moderate Party, Christian Democrats, and Sweden Democrats wanted to abolish the Equality Agency. But on Saturday, it became known that the government is allocating an additional 72 million kronor to the agency next year.
The new government will hold for two terms
Jessica Rosencrantz and Benjamin Dousa take their places in Ulf Kristersson's government – and several existing ministers get new roles. As team leader, I want to build a team that can help lead the country at least until 2030, says Ulf Kristersson.
Government: Crackdown on Violence Against Women
Men's violence against women and honour violence must be combated with the same force as gang crime, the government believes. Among other things, a "leave programme" is being launched to enable more people to leave destructive relationships.
One requested detained for double murder
A person is being held in custody on probable grounds suspected of two murders and gross weapons offense after the double murder in Norrköping, according to the Prosecution Authority in a press release. It was Monday night when two men were shot dead in an apartment in the Hageby district.
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