Telegram, a messaging app used, among others, by criminals, has updated its user terms. From now on, those who break the app's rules risk having their IP address and phone number disclosed to the relevant authorities, according to the app's founder Pavel Durov.
"These measures should deter criminals. Telegram is for finding friends and news, not for advertising illegal goods," writes the app's founder Pavel Durov in a post, according to the newspaper, according to Dagens Nyheter.
The news comes after the Telegram founder was recently arrested in France, accused of allowing criminal content on the app, including child abuse material, drug and weapons trafficking, and calls for violence and terrorism.
According to the Swedish police, the number of logged-in users in several groups that the authority has been monitoring has started to decrease.
It's enough for a rumor to spread that a platform is cooperating with the police for many users to get cold feet and move on. You don't want to risk getting caught, says Ted Esplund at the police's National Operational Department to DN.