The investigator Kirsi Laakso Utvik has said no to the proposal and considered it too expensive and unnecessary. Even Minister of Migration Johan Forssell (The Moderate Party) has toned down the significance.
Despite this, the Sweden Democrats are now choosing to drive the issue further.
I have an incredibly hard time with the Swedish investigation system or legislative system where political power is given to individual persons to say "this seems good and this doesn't seem good", despite us having had general elections where voters have expressed their opinion, says Jimmie Åkesson.
The background is the investigation on stricter requirements for citizenship that was recently presented, where the Sweden Democrats had a point about new citizens having to make some form of loyalty declaration to the nation.
Åkesson now believes that the issue should be negotiated in the government's coordination office to later be raised at party leader level.
Then we'll take a stand based on a comprehensive perspective, says Åkesson to Expressen.