The assessment is that it should not affect the core business to a greater extent, says Communications Director Mikael Hvinlund.
The savings are mainly made on staff and support functions such as IT, HR, and communication. Employment agents are not affected by the notice.
Our assessment is that it will be possible to do this without it being noticeable outwardly, he continues.
The background to the notice is a decline in the Swedish Employment Agency's administrative appropriation, and under 2025, 500 million kronor need to be saved.
When we have done this, we assess that we will be in the right shape for the coming years as well.
The Swedish Employment Agency emphasizes that a notice does not mean that all affected will actually be laid off, but rather that it should be seen as "a warning that layoffs may become necessary".
We have over 10,500 employees. It is always possible, in all organizations, to push and try to find efficiencies. But it is clear that 228 employees is a lot, so in some way it will affect internally, says Mikael Hvinlund.