The ice slip primarily affects Västernorrland. Bus traffic within Timrå, Härnösand, Kramfors, Sollefteå, and Örnsköldsvik is cancelled until further notice.
In Umeå, local bus traffic is also cancelled. In Skellefteå, both city traffic and regional traffic have been cancelled.
In Sundsvall, the buses were cancelled during the morning, but traffic resumed at lunchtime.
The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) has previously issued yellow warnings for sudden ice slip in several areas of Västernorrland County, Jämtland County, Västerbotten County, and parts of the Norrbotten coast on Monday.
The E45 south of Brunflo in Östersund Municipality has been blocked since a lorry blocked the road, reports P4 Jämtland. Additionally, several cars have driven off the road.
On its website, the police urge motorists in Västernorrland County to drive calmly or simply leave their cars at home.