Vänsterpartiet wants to introduce the principle of self-cost in EU's state aid rules.
"The declared goal of the EU's competition policy is to protect households from higher prices and lower quality. It has become exactly the opposite."
This is written by V-leader Nooshi Dadgostar together with the first and second names on the party's EU list, Jonas Sjöstedt and Hanna Gedin on DN Debatt.
They believe that the EU's policy leads to high prices when profit-maximizing companies are allowed to operate in areas where there are no conditions for functioning markets.
According to V-representatives, this leads, among other things, to a housing shortage and extremely high rents, skyrocketing electricity prices, and train chaos.
Dadgostar, Sjöstedt, and Gedin propose that EU's competition rules for dominant companies be tightened, and that a general exemption be introduced in the state aid rules, which means that basic public services can be offered at self-cost price again.
This would, according to the debaters, also provide opportunities for a fair climate transition.