It's about a girl who has broken with the norm according to the cultural pattern that exists in her old homeland by expressing her desire to live a bit more freely, says prosecutor Anna-Karin von Schoultz.
According to the indictment, she wants to be able to hang out with friends and train, but falls out of favor with her parents. She eventually marries a man in Germany in secret.
During a period before the murder, she moves to Norrland where she lives with a protected identity, but somehow the family finds out where she is.
Lured on a car ride
She decides to move back to Småland and from her communication with friends, it appears that she realizes she will be punished by her family in some way. But not that it would lead to her losing her life.
In early May last year, she is lured on a car ride that ends with her being strangled in the back seat. Then an attempt is made to set her body on fire, eventually with the help of gasoline.
She was so badly burned that identification had to be made with the help of dental records, says the prosecutor.
The parents deny
Anna-Karin von Schoultz believes that the brother and parents carried out the murder together and in agreement. The brother claims that the father pressured him to kill his sister. The parents deny the crime.
The indictment relies heavily on what the older brother tells in questioning after he has confessed. The information he provides has, of course, been checked, says von Schoultz.
The trial begins in Kalmar District Court on February 11.