The perpetrator broke into the luxury villa through a window earlier in December and managed to get away with jewelry and designer items worth millions in just 19 minutes. The stolen jewelry alone was worth over 140 million kronor, according to The Guardian.
Among the stolen goods were large sums of cash, several Hermès handbags in crocodile skin, diamond rings, sapphire earrings, and a unique diamond and emerald necklace from the French jeweler Boucheron.
The break-in at the 13-bedroom mansion-like villa occurred while both family members and staff were at home. The thief is said to have been armed.
Avenue Road in London, one of the UK's most affluent addresses, is home to a multitude of international billionaires.
The family that was robbed originally hails from Hong Kong. They have offered a reward of nearly seven million kronor for information leading to the thief's capture and prosecution – as well as rewards equivalent to ten percent of the value of each individual item recovered.