Prosecutor Anna-Karin von Schoultz is seeking a life sentence for the father, reports SVT Småland after Tuesday's trial at Kalmar District Court. The mother and brother of the 22-year-old are also suspected, but the prosecutor wants to give them fixed-term sentences.
It was in May last year that the woman was found dead in a green area in the Småland municipality of Lessebo. Suspicions were quickly directed at her brother, father, and mother, who were later charged with murder and grave desecration. The brother confesses to the crime, while the parents deny the acts they are charged with.
The woman's body was found in a shed and was so badly burned that it was initially difficult to identify her. Prosecutor Anna-Karin von Schoultz has described it as an honor killing.
It's about a girl who has broken with the norm according to the cultural pattern that exists in the old homeland by expressing a desire to live a little more freely, said Anna-Karin von Schoultz in an earlier interview with TT.
After several weeks, Kalmar District Court is now in the final days of the trial.