In June 2023, the so-called judge appeal was sent to the government. In it, nearly 300 ordinary judges and judges in training testified to a strained work situation.
The President of the Court of Appeal, Ylva Norling Jönsson, then brought up the judge appeal in individual conversations with three Court of Appeal prosecutors who had signed the appeal. During the conversations, she made statements contrary to the prohibition on reprisals that follows from the Instrument of Government, according to the Parliamentary Ombudsman.
"I take a very serious view of what has happened, especially since the conversations took place between a President of the Court of Appeal and judges who are at the beginning of their careers," says Erik Nymansson, Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman, in a press release.
Norling Jönsson tells SVT News Skåne that it is the employer's right to seek dialogue with employees, but admits that she did it incorrectly in this case.
I have thought a lot about it and worked on my leadership. I must now work on restoring the employees' trust, says Ylva Norling Jönsson.