Living in Sweden
The opposition: Expand the main grid at sea
A united opposition is pressing the government: Build the power cables to offshore wind power now. Svenska kraftnät should be tasked with using the tens of billions that are lying idle on an account, according to the Social Democrats, the Left Party, the Centre Party, and the Green Party.
Vattenfall is hesitant about wind power project
After the decision to pause the wind power project Kriegers Flak, there is now a risk that Vattenfall will be forced to wait with Kattegatt Syd off Falkenberg as well. This is stated by Vattenfall's CEO Anna Borg.
Reducing construction time for power grids by "getting a head start"
Vattenfall is considering starting work on projecting its new power grids before the final permit from the authorities has been obtained. In this way, through parallel work moments, Vattenfall Eldistribution hopes to shorten the construction times by up to two years.
Busch refuses to back down on Vattenfall: "Misleading"
Minister for Energy and Enterprise Ebba Busch (Christian Democrats) criticizes Vattenfall due to the paused wind power project Kriegers Flak. The state-owned energy giant "has no control over its things" according to the minister.
Busch rejects solution for wind power: "Illegal"
The conflict surrounding the financing of offshore wind power projects continues. Financing the power cables through capacity fees is proposed by the Southern Swedish Chamber of Commerce after talks with lawyers.
Centre Party to Sponsor Power Cable to Kriegers Flak
The Centre Party proposes in its shadow budget that 900 million kronor be allocated next year to the expansion of power cables to offshore wind power. > We must actually stop messing around with this, lay the power cable to Kriegers Flak now, says Martin Ådahl, the party's economic policy spokesperson.
Pen Trolls and Bickering – Debates We Remember
Today, the first party leader debate of the autumn is being held in the Riksdag. Few debates linger in the memory, but TT has gathered a few that have done so.
Another Wind Power Giant Threatens to Pull Out
Now the German energy giant RWE is also signaling that there will be no new Swedish offshore wind farms without government support. A support system will be needed, says Matilda Machacek, Nordic chief for offshore wind power.
Business Community: "Every Stopped Electricity Project Worries"
The government's plans for billion loans and gigantic price guarantees to nuclear power can hardly be called technology-neutral, thinks Svenskt Näringsliv's CEO Jan-Olof Jacke. And that Vattenfall is putting the brakes on offshore wind power is unfortunate.
Give Municipalities 250,000 per Year for Wind Turbines
The Social Democrats want municipalities to receive 250,000 kronor per wind turbine and year to get the expansion of wind power going. .
Stopped Wind Farm a Significant Electricity Shock for Skåne Residents
When Vattenfall stops the large wind farm south of Skåne, it is a significant setback for southern Sweden's electricity market. If nothing is done in the coming years, the electricity price risks becoming 40 öre more expensive, according to the Southern Swedish Chamber of Commerce, which has commissioned a new research report.
Busch on Paused Wind Power: Not Reasonable to Help
The Government does not back down from abolishing state funds for submarine cables for offshore wind power. This despite Vattenfall pausing its giant project citing lack of support.
The Opposition: Southern Swedish Electricity Customers Have to Pay
Southern Sweden risks missing out on more and cheaper electricity. This is the consequence of Vattenfall's decision, which is the government's fault, according to the political opposition.
Vattenfall pauses wind farm - "not profitable"
The state-owned energy company Vattenfall is pausing the development of the offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak. It is simply not profitable to build, says Helene Biström at Vattenfall.
Electricity price lowest since 2000
Eight öre. The electricity price has not been this low under a month since the year 2000.
Vattenfall: Unclear if 80 öre is enough
The potential nuclear power plant builders, Vattenfall and Fortum, are of course positive to the proposal that the state takes a large part of the risk. However, whether the price guarantee of 80 öre per kWh is sufficient is uncertain.
Frustration over slow Swedish wind power decisions
Sweden stands out with extremely lengthy processes for building new offshore wind turbines. Often, the defense is pointed out as a brake pad.
Significant increase in profit for Vattenfall
The state-owned energy company Vattenfall reports a significant profit for the second quarter of the year. The operating result amounted to 11.
Eon significantly raises electricity network fees – again
The power company Eon continues to significantly increase the electricity grid fees. In August, they will be increased in several places in the country and most of all in Stockholm.
It must be invested in nuclear power at a faster rate here och nu
The power grid must be expanded at a faster rate here and now, according to Vattenfall's CEO Anna Borg. Otherwise, the risk is that investments will end up somewhere else, she says.
Vattenfall plans to build wind farm in Pajala
State-owned Vattenfall wants to build a wind farm, 3. 5 miles southwest of Pajala.
Nuclear Power Plants' Operating Life Could Be Extended by 20 Years
The operating period for the total of five reactors at the Forsmark and Ringhals nuclear power plants may be extended from 60 to 80 years, according to a direction decision from the owners. This would enable production into the 2060s.
Vattenfall takes the next step in nuclear power plans
Vattenfall is moving forward with the next step in the plans for new nuclear power at Ringhals, announces the state-owned energy giant in a press release. .
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