"Raygun: The Musical" was created by Australian comedian Steph Broadbridge and depicts "Raygun's" journey to the Paris-Olympic Games, where her unconventional performance went viral.
The Australian, who is a researcher in dance and gender politics by day, lost all her matches 0-18 and was ridiculed for her performance, which included unorthodox elements such as "sprinkler" and "kangaroo hop".
Now, Rachael Gunn's lawyers have sent a formal warning to Broadbridge, threatening legal action if Gunn's name is not removed from the title. They also claim that the Olympian owns the rights to her dance moves and has trademarked the poster for the musical.
Steph Broadbridge says in an Instagram post that the show will soon be able to be shown with a new story.
Gunn's legal team has been worried that I would damage her brand, but I would never do that, she says.