Charlie Weimers
Andersson: "Important First Step towards Peace Agreement"
A crucial first step towards a peace agreement. This is how S-leader Magdalena Andersson describes Sunday's top meeting in London.
Minute of Silence for Örebro in the EU
The victims of the school shooting in Örebro have now also been honored in the EU. Europe mourns, says Speaker Roberta Metsola.
Strong or Right-Wing? This is What the Swedes Say in the EU
Important or sad? This is what some of the Swedish MEPs think about the new EU Commission. .
"Cattle trading" creates mistrust in the European Parliament
A middle coalition is to guarantee support for an EU-friendly policy in the EU parliament. But the majority is thin and the distrust between the parties is clear.
The SD does not support "liquidating" gang leaders
The EU parliamentarian Charlie Weimers (SD) wants to "liquidate" the Swedish gang leader, Rawa Majid, abroad. But SD is hitting back at the outburst.
After Johansson: Austrian to head asylum base in EU
For five years, former Minister Ylva Johansson has been responsible for asylum and migration issues in the EU Commission. Now, it is proposed that her job will be taken over by Austria's outgoing Finance Minister Magnus Brunner.
Orbán confident: "Patriots" will soon be in majority in the West
Harsh criticism from the rest of the EU does not get Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to give up. On the contrary: Already at the turn of the year, he hopes for a "patriotic majority" in the Western world.
Five years more for Ursula von der Leyen
The EU Commission's President Ursula von der Leyen can continue her job for five more years. The EU Parliament supports her – with a margin of 41 votes.
Sweden leans towards von der Leyen – V and SD opposed
It leans towards strong Swedish support for Ursula von der Leyen as continued Commission President in the EU. But nothing is given yet – and SD and V are clearly against.
She speaks the most languages in the EU Parliament
A nine-language Slovenian is the newly elected EU parliament's top polyglot. The Swedes are mostly content with English.
The Sweden Democrats' EU top names in debate on far-right account
The SD's EU top candidate participated in a conversation arranged by an anonymous far-right account on X, according to the newspaper Expo's investigation. .
Size or influence? Tough choices in the EU
Silly season prevails in the EU Parliament as party groups recruit new members ahead of the start of the mandate period. Hungarian Fidesz may again find itself outside when the choice is between influence or size.
Weber re-elected - ECR group grows
German Manfred Weber continues as group leader in the EU Parliament's largest party group, with Swedish Tomas Tobé (The Moderate Party) as vice chairman. The SD group ECR grows to third largest in the Parliament and hopes for continued cooperation to the right.
Half counted – Karlsbro in narrow lead
The cross-voting battle within the Liberals to snatch the party's only seat in the European Championship parliament continues. Even within the SD, a candidate can cross-vote their way past.
"SD: 'We had hoped for more'"
Not a lot of joy at the SD's election watch when the first election results are presented. The party is taking a beating in large parts of the country.
Breakthrough for the Social Democrats
Social Democrats hoped for a trend-break and it seems they have got one. There was jubilation and applause when the preliminary election result points to an upswing.
Asylum Center outside the EU - two parties say yes
Migrations policy splits the parties in the EU election. SD and KD are the only ones who want asylum centers outside the union's borders.
"A policy that risks more terrorist attacks"
The Center Party for a politics that leads to thread and concrete pigs on Drottninggatan, says SD's top candidate Charlie Weimers in SR's final debate. It's a deplorable way to express oneself, says Center's Emma Wiesner.
"Mom 'Netflix tax': the cost will be passed on to the viewers"
Will Netflix and Disney be forced to finance Swedish film and TV? Where S and MP see a new way to strengthen the muscles for domestic production, M thinks that in that case it will be the viewers who will have to foot the bill. .
S wants a pause in the EU's trade with Israel
Sweden needs to become a stronger voice for what S-leder Magdalena Andersson calls the only way to peace in the Middle East. At the same time, she is giving a scolding to the Sweden Democrats.
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