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Child benefit in Sweden and the amounts

In Sweden, child benefit (barnbidrag) is a social policy that designates payment to citizens campaigning to have and raise children.

» Published: December 27 2024

Child benefit in Sweden and the amounts
Photo: Envato

Payments of this benefit are issued routinely for each child who has not turned sixteen years. This highlight seeks to alleviate some of the economic pressure on the households in question and is issued every month.

Bonus for more than one child

Families raising more than one child also get the multi-child benefit (flerbarnstillägg) in addition to the child benefit. There is this step-child support that supplements the previous step child support, this one as well takes into consideration the current number of children in a family. The multi-child benefit is always paid together with the ordinary child benefit, therefore no separate application for this is needed. This ensures that those families with more than two kids can avail of more support due to the various expenses associated with having more kids. This additional financial benefit is progressively paid every time a parent gets a new baby which is a basic feature of the social policies of families with siblings.

In case the parents of a child have joint custody of a child, they can split the child benefit share between themselves so that both parents can support the child. It's advisable for parents or guardians to make sure that the children are registered in the population registers of Sweden since it is in turn a requirement for getting these benefits. Typically, the payments are made to the parent's bank account.

The child benefit amount

  • 1 child, 1,250 SEK is paid in child benefit, with no multiple child supplement, resulting in a total of 1,250 SEK.

  • 2 children, 2,500 SEK is paid in child benefit plus a multiple child supplement of 150 SEK, resulting in a total of 2,650 SEK.

  • 3 children, 3,750 SEK is paid in child benefit plus a multiple child supplement of 730 SEK, resulting in a total of 4,480 SEK.

  • 4 children, 5,000 SEK is paid in child benefit plus a multiple child supplement of 1,740 SEK, resulting in a total of 6,740 SEK.

  • 5 children, 6,250 SEK is paid in child benefit plus a multiple child supplement of 2,990 SEK, resulting in a total of 9,240 SEK.

  • 6 children, 7,500 SEK is paid in child benefit plus a multiple child supplement of 4,240 SEK, resulting in a total of 11,740 SEK.

Source: Försäkringskassan

Shqiponja RamaS
By Shqiponja RamaFeature Writer
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