LO: Sweden one of the countries that work the most
Swedes work more than the countries that resemble our conditions, according to a new report from LO. We are completely clear about the fact that we should shorten working hours in Sweden.
Sweden's Wage Gap: Why Part-Time Work Costs Women 5,400 Kronor Monthly
The gap is increasing between what part-time employed working women and full-time employees earn. On average, it differs by 5,400 kronor per month, according to an LO report.
Expert: Without a rate cut, the government must step on the gas
Hopes of a lower interest rate in the spring seem to be dashed. It dampens the economic recovery and forces the need for a more expansionary fiscal policy from the government, experts believe.
This is how much the CEOs earn – "It's mind-boggling"
The income differences between top executives in Swedish major companies and ordinary industrial workers are at their highest level since LO began its annual comparisons. One is dismayed by these figures, says LO's chairman Johan Lindholm.
Swedish Trade wants to freeze starting salaries
At least 1,300 kronor more per month and higher compensation for part-time employees who work more than what the contract states. The employers want to freeze the starting salaries.
Assessors: More Cuts Are Needed
Today's interest rate cut is the last one that the Swedish Central Bank is currently signaling. Completely wrong, according to several actors who want to see further cuts in the near future.
New attempt to stop LO's support to S
The Government is making a new attempt to cut off the Social Democrats' funding from trade union organizations. Now, new directives are coming to an investigation that is essentially complete and would soon have been presented.
Kjell-Olof Feldt Dead – Became 93 Years Old
Former Social Democratic Finance Minister Kjell-Olof Feldt is dead. He fell asleep on Wednesday, according to his son to TT.
The Verdict: Too Cautious by the Central Bank
Completely too cautious and a decision that can have major consequences for the Swedish economy. Economists are critical of the Swedish Central Bank's interest rate forecast for 2025.
Wykman: "Nuclear Power Costs are Manageable"
Minister for Financial Markets Niklas Wykman (The Moderate Party) is not unexpectedly toning down the criticism of the proposals for financing new nuclear power. The costs for the state and electricity consumers are manageable, he thinks.
Higher Salaries Boost Swedish Economy
Households' increased purchasing power is giving a significant boost to the Swedish economy next year. Historically high real wages are paving the way for this, according to the LO economists' new forecast.
Harsh criticism of how new nuclear power will be financed
The Government's plans on how new nuclear power will be financed receive harsh criticism. The Energy Market Inspectorate rejects the proposal entirely.
LO on Million Support to S: There is a Discontent
The LO has opened up to withdraw the million kronor support to the Social Democrats during the autumn. But when a potential decision on the matter can become actual is unclear, says chairman Johan Lindholm.
Svantesson: No Exceptions to the Budget
No exceptions – not even for nuclear power. This will be the main rule when Sweden switches from surplus targets to balance targets in the state budget in three years, according to Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party).
The Union Sues Irish Construction Company
The Irish company ICDS has breached overtime rules. This is the claim made by the LO union Byggnads, which is now suing the company in the Labour Court, according to a press release.
The entire LO is prepared to strike for part-time employees
A special focus on part-time employees, primarily in trade, is a new demand as LO coordinates in the wage movement. But one union, Seko, stands outside, in disappointment over shorter working hours not being included in the coordination.
Magdalena Andersson dismisses internal criticism: "A minority"
A victory day for The Social Democrats, thinks party leader Magdalena Andersson about Thursday's broad agreement on a balance target in the state's finances. The internal criticism within the party only constitutes a small minority, according to her.
The LO Criticizes Agreement on Surplus Target
The agreement on the abolished surplus target in the state's finances is met with criticism from trade union quarters. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) wants to see a larger scope for government borrowing – and the Building Workers' Youth Union is directing demands for resignation towards the Social Democrats.
LO Opens Up to Abolishing Support for The Social Democrats
6 million kronor of LO's membership fees go directly to the Social Democrats every year. Now, LO's chairman Johan Lindholm opens up in the SVT program " [30 minutes](https://www.
PRO on the budget: "It's appalling"
The country's largest pensioner organization gives a thumbs down to the government's budget. Pensioners who earn little and get almost nothing more in their pocket .
General Strike in Israel after Hostage Killed
General strike declared in Israel by the trade union umbrella organization Histadrut after six people held hostage by Hamas were found dead in Gaza. Several municipalities are also shutting down to allow employees to join the massive protests being organized in the country.
Larger investments than expected – these are the needs
A welcome budget message that is applauded from several directions. Now the big question is what the money will be spent on.
The Government: Reforms Worth 60 Billion
The Government estimates that they can invest 60 billion kronor in new reforms in the state budget for next year. Households can count on more money in their wallets.
The demand on Svantesson: "Get the workshop going"
Both LO and Svenskt Näringsliv are now putting pressure on Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) to present an expansive autumn budget. It's time to climb out of the sandbox and get the workshop going again, says LO Chairman Johan Lindholm.
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