Heat a Health Risk – Both Winter and Summer
Heatwaves pose the greatest health risk related to climate change in Sweden, according to the Public Health Agency. But even the warmer winters can affect people's well-being – especially further north in the country.
Study: Negative Impact of Excessive Screen Time
Young people with a lot of screen time fare worse physically and mentally than peers with less screen time. This is shown by a study from the School of Health Sciences at Jönköping University.
Legal plant drug causes concern: "There are obvious dangers"
It is "unsatisfactory" that plant-based drugs are sold completely legally in Sweden, according to Minister for Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (Christian Democrats). The Minister believes, however, that the authorities have control over the matter.
Two cases of measles in Norrbotten
Two cases of measles have been detected at hospitals in Norrbotten. The individuals, who have no connection to each other, have been at Sunderby Hospital and Piteå Hospital, respectively, during the latter half of August, reports SVT Norrbotten.
Plant drugs are pouring in – Customs Agency can only watch
Cultivation boxes for hallucinogenic mushrooms and tons of plant parts that can be used to get high pass the border to Sweden completely legally every year. The drugs are sold openly on the internet and in stores, and at the border, the Customs Service can only look on – since the products are not illegal in the form they are delivered.
Widespread outbreak of whooping cough
The number of cases of whooping cough continues to increase. Now, the Public Health Agency wants to increase awareness that a major spread of the disease is underway in Sweden.
Public Health Agency: "There is extremely strong research support"
The Public Health Agency has received criticism about the new screen areas. Now the agency is responding to the criticism.
German advice on screen time stricter than Swedish
How much screen time is too much? Several countries in Europe are going further than Sweden's new recommendations regarding young people's use of social media and digital devices. In Germany, the authorities believe that children under 9 years old should spend a maximum of 45 minutes per day in front of the screen.
Criticism: No Research Support for New Screen Recommendations
The new screen areas from the Public Health Agency are being criticized by experts. It is not reasonable to set such sharp boundaries based on such a weak foundation, says sociologist Henrik Pallin.
Criticism of screen time advice: "Absurd concept"
Conversations, screen-free times and adults setting a good example. These can be keys to lure children away from screens without a fuss.
How much screen time is allowed for your child
The Public Health Agency provides recommendations for how parents should think about screen use for children and young people. This is what they look like:.
New guidelines: Teenagers' screen time must be halved
Many children and young people should drastically reduce their screen time. New recommendations from the Public Health Agency advise teenagers to halve their usage.
Boot Throwing and Adventure Golf in the Fight Against Loneliness
Adventure golf, betting promenade, and boot throwing are some activities that seniors at one of the country's summer camps get to try out. The purpose is to counteract loneliness among the elderly in Sweden, where approximately 700,000 inhabitants lack a close friend.
Mpox: Very low risk of spread in Sweden
So far, only one case of the new, more dangerous mpox variant has been confirmed in Sweden. Even if new imported cases may come, the risk of a larger spread of infection here is very small.
Sweden will not donate mpox vaccines
Sweden will not donate mpox vaccines to African countries, reports [Svenska Dagbladet. ](https://www.
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