Selection of the police's work in traffic
10:15 Skellefteå:
All drivers checked at a traffic control on Annastigen, Erikslid, are sober.
10:27 Skellefteå:
A driver receives a fine for speeding at a traffic control on regional road 753, Lövånger.
10:28 Storuman:
At a traffic control in Hemavan, a driver blows positively in the police's screening instrument and is taken in for a blood test. In connection with this, the driver blows under the threshold for a criminal offense and is no longer suspected of a crime.
11:14 Vännäs:
A driver in Vännäs blows positively in the police's screening instrument and is taken in for a blood test. The driver is also suspected of unauthorized driving. A report is filed.
12:01 Umeå:
At a traffic control on Järnvägsallén in Umeå, three drivers receive a fine for speeding.
12:55 Storuman:
45 drivers on Blå Vägen in Tärna are checked and are sober.
13:08 Storuman:
All 50 drivers checked on E12 north of Hemavan are sober.