A selection of the police's work during the night.
Four people have been taken care of according to the LOB (Law on the taking care of intoxicated persons).
23:32, Wildlife accident, Härjedalen
Central Sveg, a car has collided with a reindeer. No personal injuries have been reported. The reindeer died in the crash, the affected Sami community has been contacted.
23:59, Wildlife accident, Härjedalen
E45, Rismyr, a light truck has collided with a roe deer. No personal injuries have been reported. The roe deer died in the crash, hunters are called to the scene.
02:27, Drunk driving, Härjedalen
Vemdalsskalet, the police are checking a car. The driver, a man, blows positively in the police's breathalyser. He is arrested, suspected of gross drunk driving. A report is drawn up.