Living in Sweden
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
The Forest's "Bandits" Attract New Plants
Wild boars not only cause problems. When the animals let their snouts work in planted forests, more plants emerge, according to a new dissertation.
WWF: Important Forests Threatened by Clear-Cutting
The Swedish and Finnish governments are exploiting loopholes to avoid protecting important primeval and natural forests, claims the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in a new report. If you clear-cut these forests, you will lose the species that exist there, says Peter Roberntz, forest expert at WWF.
Expert on fires: "Diabolical conditions"
Dry, strong winds over an already fire-prone area. It can make the fires in California the worst so far, according to fire researcher Anders Granström at SLU.
Every fifth goose shot and wounded – "great suffering"
Hunting should be carried out so that animals are not caused unnecessary suffering. Yet, every fifth grey goose lives with lead shot in its body, according to a new study.
Twenty years later – this is how Gudrun has affected Sweden
Exactly 20 years have passed since the storm Gudrun swept in and paralyzed southern Sweden. Gusts of wind with hurricane force caused several deaths and enormous material damage.
More and more large predators are being killed
Never before have so many large predators been shot in Sweden as in the last ten years. Since 2015, over 4,400 bears, 1,100 lynxes, 400 wolves, and 180 wolverines have been killed during licensed and protective hunting.
More and more large predators are being killed
Never before have so many large predators been shot in Sweden as in the last ten years. Since 2015, over 4,400 bears, 1,100 lynxes, 400 wolves, and 180 wolverines have been killed during licensed and protective hunting.
Hybrid ground beef takes its place on store shelves
Mixing minced meat with vegetables has become a hit. The new hybrid minced meat is cheaper, healthier, and more environmentally friendly.
Hybrid meat takes its place on store shelves
Mixing minced meat with vegetables has become a hit. The new hybrid minced meat is cheaper, healthier, and more environmentally friendly.
Thousands of Graves Threatened as Climate Changes
Count on the risk of erosion, landslides, and floods when you wish for a burial site, researchers advise. Climate changes may in the future lead to at least 30,000 Swedish graves having to be moved.
The UN's environmental meeting was interrupted – major issues remain
The UN meeting COP16 in Colombia on biological diversity was concluded without addressing any of the most important issues. Decisions have been made, but we worked overtime, says Sweden's chief negotiator Charlotta Sörqvist.
"Intensive Final Negotiations" on the UN's Environmental Agreement
The UN meeting on biological diversity, COP16, is to be concluded today, Friday. Intensive final negotiations are underway, but the major points of contention remain.
Police Protection at Meeting to Save Animals and Nature
The plan to save the Earth's plants and animals was nailed down two years ago. But since then, not much has happened.
So old breeds will save the beef
Our milk and meat animals are specialized in providing us with food in large quantities. But what happens if they cannot cope with a life with drought and floods in the wake of climate change? Or if they do not get their usual maximized feed due to war? The solution may lie back in time.
Food that skyrockets in price due to extreme weather
Several crops have increased in price due to extreme weather, which is expected to worsen and become more common as the planet warms up. Here are six products that have already become more expensive in the grocery store.
Abolishing grazing requirement for cows sparks protest
The right of dairy cows to graze outdoors should be abolished. This is proposed by the government's investigator.
Fewer shot elks made the stock grow
After last year's elk hunt, when approximately 50,000 elks were shot, there were around 200,000 elks in Sweden, according to the Environmental Protection Agency and SLU in a [report](https://www. naturvardsverket.
Critical for inland eel – better along the coast
Less fishing and pollution have improved the conditions for eels in coastal waters. In inland waters, on the other hand, the eel is increasingly threatened by human activities, according to a report from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.
Herring are stressed to death during catch
Herring trawled in the open sea in the North Sea are stressed to death in the nets, a new study from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) shows. As much as 96 percent of the caught herring were already dead when they reached the ship's deck, according to the study.
Dogs Trained to Detect Diseased Apple Trees
A sneaky fungal disease can destroy apple trees and in the worst case, wipe out an entire orchard. But dogs have shown themselves to be able to track the devastating infection.
Fine prospects for this year's crayfishing
Crab enthusiasts can sleep soundly. Early reports suggest it will be a good year for crab fishing – although somewhat delayed.
Study one step closer to artificial spider silk
For a long time, people have wanted to replicate spider silk – the strongest fibre known. A study now provides new insights into why spider silk is so strong and opens up for better opportunities to spin an artificial variant.
The coronavirus is increasing – six cities stand out
From barely being detected in wastewater at the beginning of the summer, the occurrence of coronavirus is now increasing. A fresh study from WHO simultaneously shows that covid vaccines have saved millions of lives in Europe.
Food Recalls More Common
That via mass media recalling food products due to suspicion of bacteria is becoming more common. But according to experts, it is a sign that food producers are doing what they should.
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