It has been a quiet night in the county from a police perspective.
Ludvika, 22.17. Drunk Driving.
I connection with a traffic control in Nyhammar, a driver is suspected of drunk driving after blowing positive. The driver, a 60-year-old man, is taken in for testing to see if the suspicions will remain.
Orsa, 01.03. Drug-Related Drunk Driving.
A police patrol stops a vehicle for control in Tallåsen. The driver, a 25-year-old man, is suspected of drug-related drunk driving and possession and use of narcotics. The man is taken in for testing. Another person, a 30-year-old man, who is also in the car, is suspected of minor possession of narcotics.
In addition to these cases, the police have handled a number of wild animal accidents, conducted checks on people and vehicles during the night.