Norrbotten, a selection of the police's work in traffic during morning and forenoon.
Under the morning, a traffic control was held at Sanden. In connection with this, a driver, a man, was blown positive in the police's breathalyser instrument. He was taken in for blood testing and questioning. A report was filed regarding driving under the influence.
At 9 o'clock, a traffic control was held at Forvägen, without any remarks. Subsequently, traffic was checked at Industrivägen, with the same result. At 10 o'clock, a traffic control was also held at Tuolluvaaravägen.
During the morning, two drivers received fines at Österleden, one of which was due to the safety belt not being used during the journey. Shortly thereafter, two other drivers received fines for not stopping correctly at a stop sign (at E10).
During the morning, a traffic control was held at Hertsövägen, Lerbäcken.