Norrbotten, a selection of the night's police activity
Police have checked a number of people and vehicles without resulting in any suspicion of crime. Traffic controls have also been reported from the following locations during the morning.
- At a traffic control on Regional Road 593 at Malmudden in Luleå, three drivers were fined for speeding offenses. Later, a sobriety check was conducted on National Road 97, Södra Sunderbyn. All checked drivers were sober.
- A traffic control was conducted early in the morning on Garvaregatan in central Gällivare, without any remarks. At 6 o'clock, traffic was also checked on Regional Road 828 in Gällivare center, with the same result.
- Early in the morning, a traffic control was conducted on Nygatan, Storgatan, and Prästgårdsgatan in Piteå.