Western Norrland, a selection of the police's night-time activities
Kl 00:00-07:00, the police have checked a number of people and vehicles without resulting in any suspicion of crime.
In other news:
Kl 02:17, Sundsvall
Police are being contacted regarding a person or persons who are outside a property on Södermalm. Knocking sounds have been heard.
A short while later, the police find two men who are being checked. One of them is taken into custody with the support of the Law on the Detention of Intoxicated Persons. He is also suspected of minor drug offenses.
Kl 02:17, Sundsvall
A burglary alarm has gone off at a preschool on Skönsberg and the police are heading to the scene. Shortly thereafter, two men in the area are checked. In connection with this, suspected stolen goods are also found and seized. The men are arrested.
An interview is held with one of them during the night, the other will be heard later. A report is filed regarding theft through burglary.
Kl 03:08, Sundsvall
Someone has been inside a residence on Södermalm and items such as clothes from a hall are missing. No perpetrator has been found in connection with the incident, the theft was discovered later.
The police are heading to the address. A report is filed regarding burglary theft.