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November 24, 08:07, Summary of the night, Jämtland County

Published: Today, 08:08

A selection of the night's police activity.

The clock 00-07, eight people have been taken into custody for intoxication and one person has been taken in for testing after suspicion of drug offenses.

The police have also carried out a number of checks on people and vehicles that have not resulted in any suspicion of crime.

Here follows a selection of the night's events:

01:53 Fire, Östersund
Larm inkommer om brand i flerfamiljshus i Lugnvik i Östersund. Enligt initiala uppgifter har det brunnit i soptunnor i soprum. Det finns inga uppgifter om personskador. Polisen åker till platsen och arbetar med ärendet, inledningsvis biträds räddningstjänst. Det är oklart hur branden uppstått så en utredning ska ske. Inledningsvis rubriceras branden som grov mordbrand.

A wild animal accident at Bodal has been reported to the police during the night. There are no reports of personal injuries.