Selection of the police's work in traffic
07.36 Umeå:
Around 20 drivers on E12/länsväg 507, Backen, are being checked. All are sober and have valid driver's licenses with them. One driver receives a fine for having a driving ban.
07.41 Skellefteå:
One driver receives a fine for speeding at a traffic control on Lantmannagatan, Sunnanå.
08.07 Umeå:
A few dozen drivers on Porfyrvägen, Carlshem, are being checked and are sober. A fine is issued due to incorrect lighting on a vehicle.
08.25 Umeå:
A police patrol on Teg stops an A-tractor suspected of being driven at a speed higher than allowed for the vehicle type. The A-tractor is seized for technical examination. A report is filed regarding illegal driving.
09.33 Storuman:
The driver of a truck with a trailer attached on E12 is fined 2400 kronor for driving 99 km/h.
10.03 Umeå:
A truck driver on Rödäng receives a fine due to lighting not approved by type (glimmers).
10.18 Umeå:
Four drivers receive fines for speeding at a traffic control on E4, Anumark.
10.43 Storuman:
A control of heavy goods traffic on E12/Höjdvägen in Storuman is being carried out. All are without remark.
11.15 Umeå:
A truck driver on Kolbäcksvägen, Mariehem, receives a fine for speeding.
12.42 Umeå:
A car driver on länsväg 642, university area, receives a fine for driving 79 km/h on a 60 km/h stretch.