Västerbotten, a selection of the police's work in traffic during morning and afternoon.
Under the morning, a sobriety check was carried out at Järnvägsleden, Hedensbyn. All drivers were sober, without any remarks. Later, traffic was also checked at Jörnsvägen, Ersmark.
At 8:30 am, a traffic check was carried out at Kylgränd on Ersboda, without any remarks. Later, at 10:30 am, a sobriety check was carried out at Marknadsgatan on Alvik. All drivers were sober.
During the morning, a motorist was also stopped on E12 in Brännland. The driver had driven 70 km/h on a 60 km/h stretch. Fines were issued.
During the morning, a traffic check was carried out on regional road 363. All checked drivers were sober. A professional driver, however, received a fine because the logbook was not equipped with the required information.
At 10 am, a motorist was stopped after E12, between Tvärålund and Granö. The driver had driven 115 km/h on a 90 km/h stretch. Fines of 2800 kronor were issued. Thereafter, a traffic check was carried out in Granö. Three drivers received fines due to speeding and one due to not using a seatbelt during the journey.