Selection of the police's activity in traffic
07.46 Boden:
Police patrol is ordered to a workplace where a driver has been checked and is suspected of having driven drunk. The driver is allowed to accompany for further blood testing. A report is filed regarding driving under the influence or gross driving under the influence.
08.05 Piteå:
During a stop and check of a passenger car north of Piteå, the driver is suspected of being impaired by drugs and is allowed to accompany for testing. A report is filed regarding drug driving and minor drug offense (use).
11.29 Piteå:
During a stop and check of a passenger car on Highway 503, suspicion arises that the driver is impaired by drugs and the driver is allowed to accompany for testing. A report is filed regarding drug driving and minor drug offense (personal use).
12.19 Luleå:
During a stop and check of a passenger car on Storheden, the driver is suspected of being drunk and is allowed to accompany for testing. The driver lacks the necessary license to drive a car. A report is filed regarding driving under the influence and gross unauthorized driving.
12.42 Gällivare:
During a traffic control on E45, Gällivare, two drivers are given a fine for speeding.