A selection of the police's work during the night.
22:57, Traffic Accident, Kalix
E4, Töre. A truck has driven into a ditch and overturned. The vehicle blocks the road, which must be cleared after the accident. The driver, according to routine, blows into the police's breathalyzer instrument. He is sober. The police are talking to the driver, and he is then taken to medical care. The truck is believed to have suffered a puncture. The police suspect no crime in connection with the accident.
01:38, Wildlife Accident, Kiruna
Idivuoma, Karesuando. A passenger car has collided with a reindeer. No personal injuries have been reported. The reindeer died in the crash, and the affected Sami community has been contacted.
03:01, Traffic Accident, Piteå
Länsväg 506/Timmerleden, Strömnäs. A timber truck has collided with a tree. The vehicle is believed to have lost part of its load on the road. The road is blocked, and the rescue service temporarily closes it to clear up. The truck driver, a man, is taken to medical care. The police will investigate what may have caused the accident.