Noise about explosion.
9:56 Gross common danger destruction, Norrköping
Several people are sounding the alarm that they have heard a loud bang or explosion in a multi-family residential area in Åby in northern Norrköping. The police have a number of resources on site and are working to create a situation report on what has occurred. There are no reports of anyone having suffered physical injury.
The legal situation is initially gross common danger destruction, a criminal classification that may be changed.
10:31 An explosion has occurred in connection with a residential building. Barricades will be set up at the scene and the police will also conduct door-to-door questioning and hear from any potential witnesses. There is no suspected perpetrator and no arrests have been made.
10:49 The legal situation is common danger destruction and a crime against the Act on Flammable and Explosive Substances. The site is cordoned off and a technical investigation will be conducted.
The text will be updated.