Result of the police's work in traffic.
Under the day, the police have controlled traffic throughout the county. Here follows a selection of the results:
14:01 Riksväg 92 Åsele: A fine is issued to a motorcyclist who did not wear a helmet during the journey.
14:14 Riksväg 92 Åsele: Five fines were issued for speeding offenses. The highest recorded speed was 53 kilometers per hour on the 40-mile stretch.
15:48 Länsväg 531 Haga, Umeå: A fine is issued to a driver who drove 62 kilometers per hour on the 40-mile stretch.
16:34 Östra leden, Skellefteå: A fine is issued to a driver who drove 82 kilometers per hour on the 70-mile stretch.
16:41 E12 Sandbacka, Umeå: A fine is issued to a motorist who used a mobile phone during the journey.