Jämtland, results from traffic controls.
07:56 On Norra Åsvägen in Lugnvik, Östersund, four fines were issued due to speeding offenses.
08:05 On Skiftesvägen in Östersund, three fines were issued due to speeding offenses.
09:13 All who passed the sobriety check on Vallarvägen in Sveg, Härjedalen municipality, were without remarks. A total of 30 checks were performed.
09:59 On national road 84 at Linsell, Härjedalen municipality, a sobriety check was performed where 132 drivers were checked. All were without remarks. Speed was also checked. Three fines were issued due to speeding offenses.
11:27 In Vemdalen, Härjedalen municipality, one fine was issued due to a speeding offense. 42 drivers were checked for sobriety and there are no remarks noted there.