A selection of the police's night operations 00.00 – 07.00.
Here follows a selection of events from last night:
00.23 Traffic control, Piteå:
A 20-strong group of drivers on E4, Pitsund, are checked and are sober.
01.04 Kiruna:
Police patrol is ordered to a hotel in Kiruna where individuals who are behaving unpleasantly towards staff refuse to leave the premises. The patrol turns away the individuals.
02.59 Fight, Luleå:
Police patrol is ordered to a pub in Innerstaden where it is alleged that some kind of verbal fight took place. When the patrol arrives at the scene, it is calm and the patrol leaves the scene without further action.
Police have also carried out checks on individuals and vehicles that did not result in any suspicion of crime, as well as handled matters related to mental health.