Selection of the police's work in traffic during morning/forenoon
07.38 Skellefteå:
Vid a traffic control on regional road 824, Tjärn, a driver receives a fine after driving 77 km/h on a 70 km/h stretch.
08.06 Umeå:
About 20 drivers on Norra Obbolavägen, Öst-Teg, are checked and are sober.
08.41 Skellefteå:
All drivers checked on Annastigen, Erikslid, are without remark.
09.48 Skellefteå:
A driver on E4, Norrböle, receives a fine for using a handheld mobile phone while driving.
10.06 Umeå:
During a stop and check of a car in Sävar, it appears that the driver does not have the necessary license to drive a car. A report is filed regarding reckless driving.
10.25 Skellefteå:
During a stop and check of a car on E4, Vitberget, the driver blows positively in the police's breathalyser and is taken in for blood alcohol testing. A report is filed regarding drunk driving.