Westrobothnia, results from some traffic controls today.
10:07 On E4 near Byske, approximately 30 vehicles have been checked and 10 fines have been issued due to various traffic offenses. Four trucks have also been weighed during the check.
12:43 On E4 in the area of Ostvik, Skellefteå municipality, a fine has been issued due to speeding.
12:58 In Bergsboda, Umeå municipality, a fine was issued and a driver's license was seized due to speeding.
13:17 On E4 near Tåme, Skellefteå municipality, a fine was issued due to speeding.
13:27 All who passed the sobriety check in Nordmaling were without remarks.
13:57 In Alvik, Umeå, a fine was issued due to a vehicle being driven with a driving and user ban.
14:57 In Mariedal, Umeå, a fine was issued to a driver who used a handheld mobile phone during driving.
15:19 In Haga, Umeå, a fine was issued to a driver who drove a car with a driving ban.
15:28 In Tärna town, Storumans municipality, a check was conducted on snowmobiles and all checked were without remarks.